City Hunter (Cheng shi lie ren, 1992)

Now, this is a bad movie in a GOOD way, at least in my opinion. A friend of mine called it "beautifully horrible", and I can't think of a better description of it. It's a live-action version of an apparently quite-popular anime series, and the film makers try valiantly to capture the stylized, cartoon feel of anime and sort of succeed, sort of don't. You'll probably either love it or hate it, and that may depend on your tolerance for campy humor and jokes about a woman who keeps falling forward because her breasts are too big. There are also a couple of gay jokes of HIGHLY questionable taste--I heard they were edited out of some releases, but not on the HK DVD I have.

Still, Jackie looks divine in his white suits and suspenders, and Leon Lai is beautiful as Gundam, a gambler who knows some dangerous tricks with his cards. There are some great gag-fights, including one in a movie theater playing Bruce Lee's "Game of Death", and another one based on "Street Fighter 2" that should leave anyone familiar with the game on the floor dying of laughter.

In a twisted way, this is actually one of my favorite Jackie movies. If you're willing to go along for the crazy ride and check your brain at the door, you'll probably enjoy it as much as I do.


Overall rating: A if you are in the mood for something truly bizarre and off the wall, and have an appreciation for campiness.

Droolworthiness: A for Jackie in white and the beautiful Leon Lai.

Slashiness: D Not really. There's one semi-amusing scene where Ken Lo seems about ready to rape the highly annoying Michael Wong.

Action: A Great final fight with Richard Norton, and I loved the Street Fighter and Game of Death scenes.

Jackie as Chun Lee from Street Fighter?! Yep, it's THAT kind of movie...
