If you didn't get the message earlier, much of what you'll find here is intended for adults only and will feature homoerotic content. Please consider this your final warning, and don't go and further if that's not what you're interested in reading!
Submitting to the archive:
6/25/03 - Unnatural acts by rachael sabotini
5/7/03 - Green Gus Witzer The Throat Slitter Part 2 by JR
3/24/03 - Night Fears by Justine
3/24/03 - Green Gus Witzer The Throat Slitter Part 1 by JR
9/6/02 - Laying Down the Law by Obscured By Clouds
7/1/02 - A Stone's Throw Into The River Of Continuity by JR
6/17/02 - Nevada Man by JR
4/29/02 - A Time To Go by Nightcrawler
4/29/02 - Two Men In A Tub by Nightcrawler
Update Log
12/28/03 - Part 2 of Night Fears by Justine posted.